NEB Class 12 Questions: NEB 12 Model Questions 2080/2024

NEB Class 12 Routine 2080-2081: Class 12 Routine

91 Physics Important Question for Class 12 NEB Exam

Class 12 Physics 91 Important Questions for NEB Board Exam 2079/2080 Nepal. Rotational Dynamics, Periodic Motions Important Questions are provided.

Class 12 Physics Important Question

This article contains 91 important questions of Class 12 Physics based on the revised syllabus of NEB Exam 2079 & 2080.

These are important physics questions for class 12 neb electricity and magnetism section.

Electricity and Magnetism Chapter is more tough so, you can practice as much as question..

NEB Grade 12 Physics Important Question
 Physics Important Question for NEB Examination

The most important Class 12 Physics questions for the NEB Exam 2023 are listed here:

  1. Define wave motion. Derive the progressive wave equations in a medium.

  2. Starting with the definition of stationary waves, prove that the distance between any two consecutive nodes or antinodes in a stationary wave is ƛ/2.

  3. Write an expression for Newton's formula for the velocity of sound in air. Explain the necessary correction made by Laplace.

  4. Define end correction. Show that, in an open organ pipe, both odd and even harmonics can be produced.

  5. Define natural frequency. Describe an experiment to determine the velocity of sound in air by the resonance air column tube method.

  6. Describe a sound wave as a pressure wave and deduce an expression for the pressure amplitude.

  7. Define beats. Obtain an expression for the beat frequency produced by the superposition of two waves of slightly different frequencies.

  8. What is the Doppler effect in sound? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound when both source and observer are moving towards each other.

  9. State Huygens law and use it to verify Snell's law.

  10. Define coherent sources of light. Describe Young's double-slit experiment and show that the bright fringes and dark fringes are equally spaced.

  11. Define polarization of light. Show that, μ=tan𝜭p, where the symbols have their usual meanings.

  12. How can you convert a galvanometer into an ammeter (or voltmeter)? Explain.

  13. Discuss the mechanism of metallic conduction. Derive a relation between current density and drift velocity.

  14. State and apply Kirchhoff's rule to measure the unknown resistance of a wire by using the Wheatstone bridge circuit.

  15. State the principle of meter bridge. Describe how it is used to determine the resistance of a wire.

  16. What is the principle of a potentiometer? Explain with necessary theory how you would determine the internal resistance of a cell using this principle.

  17. What do you mean by the thermoelectric effect? Discuss the variation of thermo emf in a thermocouple with the temperature change.

  18. State and explain Biot - Savart's law. Use it to find the magnetic field due to a long straight current-carrying conductor.

  19. State Ampere's law. Deduce an expression for the force between two parallel current-carrying wires.

  20. State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Derive an expression for the emf induced in a straight conductor moving at right angles to the direction of a uniform magnetic field.

  21. State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Deduce an expression for the emf induced in a coil rotating uniformly in a uniform magnetic field.

  22. Explain the principle and working of a transformer.

  23. Discuss the condition for the resonant frequency of the LCR alternating current circuit.

  24. Describe the construction and working principle of Millikan's oil-drop experiment to determine the charge of an electron.

  25. Define cross-field. Describe the construction and working principle of J.J. Thomson's experiment to determine the specific charge of an electron.

  26. Define the threshold frequency and work function of a metal. Explain Einstein's photoelectric equation.

  27. Describe the experiment to determine Planck's constant.

  28. State Bohr's postulates for the atomic model. Derive the expression for the radius of an electron bound to a hydrogen atom. (OR, to find the total energy of an electron in nth orbit.)

  29. Explain Bragg's law of diffraction for X - rays.

  30. What is Zener's breakdown? How can a Zener diode be used as a voltage regulator? Explain.

  31. Define mass defect. Explain the significance of the graph of binding energy per nucleon versus the atomic mass number.

  32. State the laws of radioactivity. Derive the relation between the half-life period and decay constant.

  33. Equation of Progressive wave

  34. Wave front and Wavelets: Clear Concepts with Difference

  35. Newton's formula with Laplace's Correction

  36. Light wave and Sound wave with Difference

  37. Stationary wave equation

  38. Laws of transverse vibration in stretched strings

  39. Open Organ Pipe and Close Organ Pipe

  40. Doppler Effect

  41. Pressure amplitude

  42. Reflection and refraction using Huygens Principle

  43. Polarization for Short Question

  44. Young's Double Slit Experiment

  45. Diffraction through single slit

  46. Diffraction grating numerical

  47. Meter bridge

  48. Kirchhoff's law and numerical

  49. Wheat stone bridge principle

  50. Principle of Potentiometer and numerical

  51. Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter and ammeter

  52. Joule's law

  53. Seebeck experiment

  54. Peltier and Thomson effect

  55. Biot and Savart Law and its applications

  56. Ampere Circuital law for Derivation and Numerical

  57. Hall effect and Moving coil galvanometer

  58. What is Eddy Current? Write down its uses.

  59. LR, RC, LCR series circuit with wave diagram and Phasor diagram and Numerical

  60. Resonant frequency, Power factor and Quality factor
    Theory and working of AC generator

  61. Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction

  62. Motional emf derivation and Lenz law

  63. Only Numerical of Induced emf in rotating rod (wheel spokes) and wings of airplane

  64. Energy stored in an inductor and Transformer derivation

  65. Millikan's Oil drop experiment

  66. JJ Thomson Experiment

  67. Motion of electron in Electric Field and Magnetic Field for Numerical

  68. Energy of hydrogen orbit

  69. Stopping Potential and Threshold Frequency

  70. X ray and its application

  71. P type, N type Semi conductor, PN Junction, Logic Gates concept

  72. Nanotechnology definition

  73. Semiconductor Diode (Forward and Reverse Bias)

  74. Full wave Rectifier

  75. Simple pendulum

  76. Bragg's Law

  77. GM counter

  78. Laws of Radioactivity (Half life, mean life and decay constant) and Numerical

  79. Spring motion and its time period

  80. Moment of inertia of geometrical shapes

  81. Principle of conservation of angular momentum and numerical

  82. Archimedes principle and law of floatation numerical

  83. Surface energy and surface tension

  84. Surface tension by capillary action and numerical

  85. Stokes law and numerical

  86. Bernoulli principle and application

  87. Mayer's relation

  88. Adiabatic gas equation and Work done In Adiabatic and Isothermal process.

  89. Petrol and Diesel engine

  90. Surface waves, Rayleigh and love waves, S and P-waves.

  91. Principle of conservation of angular momentum

As a conclusion, these are the most important NEB final exam questions.
Practice all of these questions in order to get full marks on your upcoming exam.

Read: Important Topics Class 12 Physics

All the above mentioned subjects are very important in class 12th physics examination. These short and long questions are important to score good numbers in physics exam, so practice.

These questions have been asked over the years, so they are important.

Don't stress because the questions in NEB board exam Questions are simple.

Above mentioned concepts are also important in our other exams like IOE, IOM, BSC CSIT. Those who want to prepare for such higher level exams can study these concepts in details.

Finally, we advise everyone to prepare for the upcoming NEB exam.

Goodbye for the time being.

All the best for your upcoming NEB Physics Exam 2023

Youtube video of Important Question Class 12 Physics Is Given as:

About the Author

Iswori Rimal is the author of, a popular education platform in Nepal. Iswori helps students in their SEE, Class 11 and Class 12 studies with Complete Notes, important questions and other study materials.

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