Tourism and Mountaineering Studies: Class 12 Model 2080

Complete Model Question and Answer Solution of Class 12 Tourism and Mountaineering Studies Model Question 2079/2080 New SET Issued By NEB.

In this Post, We Provide Complete Model Question and Answer Solution of Class 12 Tourism and Mountaineering Studies Model Question 2079/2080 SET Issued By NEB.

Class 12 Tourism and Mountaineering Studies Model Question 2079/2080

Tourism and Mountaineering Studies Class 12 Model Question 2080

Sub. Code : 3061



Model Question

Tourism and Mountaineering Studies

विद्यार्थीहरूले सकेसम्म आफनै शव्दमा उत्तर दिनुपर्नेछ | दायाँ किनारामा दिइएको अंकले पूर्णाक जनाउँदछ |

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 2hrs 

Full Marks: 50

खण्ड 'क' (Group 'A')

(अति संक्षिप्त उत्तरात्मक प्रश्नहरू/ very short answer questions.) 4*1=4

1. पर्यटनमा आवास सुबिधाको अर्थ के हो ?

What is the meaning of accommodation in tourism?

2. नेपालमा संचालितकुनै चार शाहसिक पर्यटनको नाम लेख्नुहोस्‌ |

List any four adventure tourism activities operating in Nepal.

3. पर्यटनमा आरक्षणगर्नुपर्नाका कुनै दुई कारणहरू प्रष्टपार्नुहोस्‌ |

Justify any two reasons of reservation in tourism.

4. आवागमन सेवाभनेको के हो स्पष्टपार्नुहोस्‌ |

Illustrate the meaning of arrival transfer?

5. चेनव्यवसाय र फेन्चाइजिड्ग मध्ये कुन बढी नाफामूलक हुन्छ होला?

In ‘Franchise’ and Chain’ business, which is more profitable business?

6. टिकेटिड्गका कुनै दुई फाइदाहरू लेख्नुहोस्‌ |

Write any two benefits of E- ticketing.

7. कन अवस्थामा 'नो-सो लाग्दैन ।

In which condition ‘No - show’ is not applicable?

8. Acute Mountain Sickness बाट कसरी जोगिन सकिन्छ |

How to prevent ‘Acute Mountain Sickness(AMS)?

9. पासपोर्ट भनेको के हो ?

What is passport?

खण्ड 'ख' (Group 'B')

(संक्षिप्त उत्तरात्मक पृश्नहरु / Short answer questions.)

10. नेपालको बिश्व सम्पदामा सुचिकृत स्थानहरू समावेस गरेर अन्तरराष्ट्रिय पर्यटकका लागि ३ रात/४दिनको यात्राविवरणिका तयार गर्नुहोस्‌ |

Develop a tour itinerary of 03 nights/ 04 days for international tourist including World HeritageSites of Nepal.

11. “पर्यटन पथप्रदर्शक भनेको देशको राजदुत हो । यो कथनको आधारमा पर्यटन पथप्रदर्शकको भूमिका र जिम्मेवारी दर्शाउनुहोस्‌ ।

“Tourist guide is the ambassador of the country”. Justify this statement based on the roles and responsibilities they perform as a guide.

अथवा (OR)

एकल स्वामित्त्व र साभ्लेदारी पर्यटन व्यवसायमा ओचनात्मक भिन्नताहरु देखाउनुहोस्‌ |

Critically differentiate between sole ownership and partnership in tourism business.

12. भुक्तानी फिर्ताका साधारण नियमहरू लेख्नुहोस्‌ |

Write down general rules of refunding the payment.


ग्राहक गुनासो समाधानका नियमहरू लेख्नुहोस्‌ ।

Describe the process of handling client’s complaints.

13. यदि दोहाको स्थानिय समय १७.५० बजे (बिहीबार २७ फेब्‌अरी) उडेको हवाइजहाज काठमाडौँमा 09,00 बजे (शुक्रबार २८ HEA) अवतरण गर्छ भने दोहाबाट काठमाडौंको उडान समय फेला पार्नुहोस्‌ । हिसाब कमबद्धरूपमा देखाउनुहोस्‌ | (दोहाको STD + ०३ र काठमाडौंको + 0५, ४५)

If a flight left Doha local time at 17.50 (Thu. Feb 27) and arrives at Kathmandu 01.00 (Fri. Feb 28). Find out the flight duration from Doha to Kathmandu. Show the step by step process of calculation.(Doha STD + 03 and Kathmandu + 5.45)

14. एउटा हिमाल आरोहणको क्रममा नेतृत्त्वकर्ताको भूमिकाकोबारेमा वर्णन गर्नुहोस्‌ |

Describe the role of expedition leader during an expedition.

खण्ड 'ग' (Group 'C')

(विस्तृत उत्तरात्मक प्रश्नहरू/ Long answer questions.) 2*8=16

15. होटलको meal plan भनेको के हो ? एकल कोठा र दुईजना कोठाको बिभिन्न प॒कारका meal plans उदाहरणसहित बर्णन गर्नुहोस्‌ ।

Explain the different meal plans with examples of each plan for single room and double room.

16. उच्च हिमाल आरोहणका क्रममाहुन सक्ने भयावह खतराहरू के के हुन्‌ ? त्यस्ता खतराबाट जोगिने उपायहरू लेख्नुहोस्‌ ।

What are the major risks in Himalayan expedition? Mention the ways to avoid those risks?


एउटा क्याम्प साइटको छनौट गर्दा कस्ता प॒कारका सुविधा, सेवा, तथा सुरक्षामाविचार पु-याउनुपर्छ ? प्रस्ट्याउनुहोस्‌ |

What types of facilities, services and safety measures should be considered while selecting a camp-site.

Tourism and Mountaineering Studies Model Question PDF

NEB Class 12 Tourism and Mountaineering Studies Model Question 2079-2080 Academic year Pdf is given as:

About the Author

Iswori Rimal is the author of, a popular education platform in Nepal. Iswori helps students in their SEE, Class 11 and Class 12 studies with Complete Notes, important questions and other study materials.

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